Friday, May 8, 2020

A Personal Development Blog

A Personal Development BlogWriting about myself has led me to start a new venture in finding content for websites and blogs. My goal is to create a website, or blog, that will help others in their quest to get into shape and enjoy the journey they are on.I have been a dedicated member of the gym community for over ten years now and would love to see this 'blog' take off for other people. The blog will be full of not only my experiences with different exercise methods, but also photos from my day at the gym. I believe it will give more meaning to the story I am trying to tell through my writing. It also gives others the opportunity to join the blog, since I encourage them to post their own experiences too.Another motivation for writing about myself is to inspire others to start a blog, and possibly contribute to the growing number of blogs available online. I feel as though by having all of my stories to share, I will inspire others to take it a step further and begin to share their o wn personal stories. This is how I learned about my own personal struggles and victories with running, strength training, and weight loss.Once I started to share my own experience with starting a blog, I was flooded with questions from people who wanted to learn more about me, and what I was doing to achieve success. They were curious about my goals, what I like, and what motivates me.By having these types of people 'post' comments, people can actually see how I feel about the subject of my blog. It is no longer just a way to impress people, as everyone has some knowledge about the subject, they just wanted to be able to contribute their own unique stories about my experiences.Being able to post your own stories and ideas about a subject will help others learn from your experience, while at the same time, inspire them to find their own stories, ideas, and blogs of their own. With so many personal blogs out there, it is important that you provide value to the others that come from yo ur blog. A positive attitude is very important when creating a blog about yourself, and if people begin to view you positively, they may want to read more.You can start a personal development blog and write about anything you want. The key is to provide the readers, with quality information, and stay true to yourself.My goal for this blog is to inspire others, and create more blogs like it in the future. My hope is that this article has helped you get inspired and continue the journey of writing about yourself. Just remember that there is a saying that 'it is better to remember than to forget', and in the end, it is your own happiness that matters most.

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